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SKRAT Chennai Heavy Rock Band

SKRAT Chennai Heavy Rock Band 

SKRAT is a Heavy Rock band from Chennai, a coastal city in the South of India.this bunch of high school graduates decided that they would form a band and make some music to aid their would be dreary engineering college lives. 6 Days later they play their first show at the Unwind center. In an environment of predominantly metal music, this original-rock act got the crowd and went on to play over a 100 gigs, and counting. This includes most of the major cities in South India, Mumbai and an independent festival in Reading, England. The band took a shortl hiatus to explore their sound following the release of their first studio album called ‘Design’. The band reformed with a new sound and a new direction. So YOU the one reading this, Listen to their music and make your own bloody back story. Watch them live and spread the Sound. They just released their 4th studio album  called ‘Bison’, a journey into a comic-book style universe starring General Bison and his unlikely band of characters who battle the injustices in their world.

It is common for Skrat to write songs about dreamed up characters and their inherent struggles. In fact, it  is one of the things that made them popular.

Skrat is also a strong supporter of the DIY approach, and an early proponent of the DIT approach – ‘Do it Together’. This includes their music,records, live videos and tours. With the help of a close-knit group of friends named the Skrat Crew, the band has soared to new heights

They Win Many of awards and the no is still counting , this band is recently situated in Chennai and their basic Genre is Heavy Rock

The current members in this Band are

Sriram T T – Guitar / Lead Vocals
Jhanu Chanthar- Bass
Tapass Naresh – Drums / Vocals

For booking This band just Call +91 917-666-6890 or just Mail on

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